Animal Reiki 1 Workshop
Learn a variety of meditation styles that will help to engage the animals in any situation by using the Let Animals Lead® Method.
Reiki Hand Positions
Animal Chakras
How to work with Shelters, Sanctuaries, & Personal Pets

Available Dates:
- 2/17/24
- 4/20/24
- 10/19/24
All dates are on Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm.
The full price is $225.00.
A non-refundable deposit of $95.00 is required upon registration.

Animals are honored as teachers and can show us the way to healing and living a balanced and compassionate life if we are willing to listen.
“We invite you to walk with us on this amazing journey of healing transformation for your heart, the heart of the animals, and the heart of the planet” Kathleen Prasad.

Animals are much more sensitive to energy than humans; often the “hands-on approach” is overwhelming to them. I use Kathleen Prasad’s Let Animals Lead TM approach. Kathleen developed this approach over 20 years ago when she realized that human Reiki techniques were not working well with animals. Let Animals Lead TM combines Traditional Japanese Reiki practices honoring the sensitivities, preferences and wisdom of animals. Kathleen has used her experiences with thousands of animals to perfect her method and is considered a world leader in Animal Reiki. I am grateful to have studied under Kathleen and honored to share her approach to others.
Animal Healing – Reiki is meditating with animals to create a compassionate healing space to relieve stress, promote relaxation, harmony, balance and a sense of over all well-being. It respects the animal as an equal partner in the healing process. The animal can move freely in the healing space during the session. “Hands-on Reiki” is used only when initiated by the animal. Reiki is just as effective from a short or long distance as hands-on. By holding this compassionate space, the animal receives the healing energy he or she needs, not what humans think they need.

It will compliment all forms of medical treatments as well as natural and alternative therapies.
There are no medical complications from Reiki treatment.
As a Reiki practitioner, Kelly Pratt does not diagnose conditions, perform medical treatments, prescribe medications, or interfere with the treatments provided by your professional healthcare provider.